or Call 714-378-5606
in Fountain Valley, Orange County, CA
What to expect when you’re expecting…at The Women’s Health Center
If you think you could be pregnant, please give us a call and we’ll learn about your situation and may bring you in for a confirmation of pregnancy or simply schedule your OB intake visit. Patients who have had problems with spotting or previous pregnancies are our highest priority and we will make sure you get the care you need.
Fetal Health Evaluation
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss or Miscarriage
Incompetent Cervix & Cerclage
Nuchal Translucency
Natural Vaginal Birth
And much more...
We deliver at these hospitals
Approximate Routine Schedule:*
8 weeks: (according to your LMP): OB Intake with our nurse practitioner
10 weeks: 1st visit with one of our physicians and optional 1st Trimester Genetic Screening
12 weeks: Nuchal Translucency (NT) Screening Ultrasound
12 – 24 weeks: Visits every 4 weeks
15 – 20 weeks: Optional 2nd Trimester Genetic Screening
24 – 26 weeks: 1-Hour Glucose Test & Rh Factor Screening
28 – 32 weeks: Visits every 2 weeks
32 weeks: Information about birth options, Pediatrician referrals, and recommended Tdap vaccine
36 weeks: Group B streptococcus (GBS) Culture
After 36 weeks: Weekly visits until delivery
*This is an approximate model of care. Every patient is unique & we tailor our care to your specific needs.