Dr Elizabeth Tracy, MD
Elizabeth Tracy, MD is one of The Women’s Health Center providers in Fountain Valley, CA. Dr. Tracy has practiced as a general Ob/Gyn for over 25 years, providing care to women ranging from general gynecologic services, to pregnancy care, and menopause. Although Dr. Tracy was trained in conventional medicine, she strongly believes in natural healing for optimal health. As Dr. Tracy ages and her patients age with her, she has focused her care on restoring women’s hormonal balance and sexual function for better quality of life. Dr. Tracy is a certified Biote® provider for bio-identical hormone therapy, as well as a certified O- and P- Shot® provider for both men and women.
Dr. Tracy has a lifelong love of science and completed her bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Lake Forest College in Illinois before earning her medical degree at the Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine in Piscataway, New Jersey. She served her residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Long Island Jewish Medical Center before relocating to Southern California to begin her practice as an Ob/Gyn. She joined The Women’s Health Center in 2001 and enjoys working with a team of dedicated women’s health care providers.
Outside of her practice, Dr. Tracy is a married empty-nester of two adult daughters. She enjoys hiking and traveling, and has had the pleasure of cruising throughout Alaska, Europe, and the French Polynesian Islands. Dr. Tracy also has a love for art and oil painting – her beautiful artwork could be found hanging in the walls of our office for patients to enjoy.
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